current health articles

Benefits of Eating Meat |  Diabetic Mediterranean Diet

Benefits of Eating Meat | Diabetic Mediterranean Diet

July 1, 2023 · 2:15 PM

Mucho protein, amigo

I found a review article at Animal Frontiers that makes the argument in favor of meat consumption. The authors admit little focus on the downsides of eating meat. I’ve been cutting back on my meat consumption out of sympathy for the animals. Here are some of the key points verbatim:

  • Aspects of human anatomy, digestion, and metabolism diverged from other primates, indicating evolutionary reliability on, and compatibility with, substantial meat intake. Implications of a disconnect from evolutionary dietary patterns may contribute to today’s burden of disease, increasing the risk for both
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Which Diet (way of eating) Is Best for Health and Longevity?

Which Diet (way of eating) Is Best for Health and Longevity?

Proper diet undoubtedly promotes healthier aging and longevity. But what’s the right diet? A meta-analysis of diet studies proposes an answer. or more accurately, answers, based on diet-related biomarkers linked to disease and aging. Half of the studies were done in Europe, the rest from North America and Asia. The February, 2023, article was published in Nutrients. You can read the entire article online.

“….the main goal of this systematic review was to perceive the quantity and quality of different diets or aspects in nutrition, how they could modulate biomarkers and prevent aging-related diseases, in order to enlighten

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Management Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

Management Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

May 25, 2023 · 2:22 AM

Photo credit: Steven Paul Parker II

Dr. Howard J. Luks is an orthopedist who published a reasonable and fairly comprehensive article on knee osteoarthritis management. Thankfully, knee replacement surgery is the last resort for this surgeon. He discusses exercise, tai chi, diet, yoga, knee injections, NSAIDs, ice, heat, etc.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a prevalent health issue. Despite a diagnosis of arthritis of the knee, the majority of you can live an active, happy life. But you’ve heard awful phrases used to describe your Xrays– phrases like Bone on Bone, bone spurs, degeneration,

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Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars – JennifersKitchen

Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars – JennifersKitchen

Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Oil-Free Coconut Breakfast Bars

One thing I do not do:

Spend more than 10 minutes in the morning preparing breakfast. When it’s breakfast time, I want to eat – not measure, stir, cook, chop, or bake.

That means that make-ahead breakfasts are a regular part of my meals. Preparing breakfast ahead of time means that either my crockpot or my freezer always has something delicious waiting for me in the morning.

Like these Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars.

Naturally sweet, these Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars are packed with both flavor and nutrition. And they’re freezer-friendly, so you can have a stash in the freezer for

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China General Nuclear Europe Energy – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

China General Nuclear Europe Energy – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

AtCGN EE LOGO color the close of a successful 2019 RoSPA Health and Safety Awards, 20% of entries received were from international organizations… that’s more than ever before! From Mauritius to Hong Kong, our community awards continue to grow year after year.CGN info

Based at their head office in Shenzhen, China, we spoke to Huang Yuan Zheng, President of China General Nuclear Europe Energy (CGN EE), about their awards journey towards their first RoSPA Health and Safety Award…

What motivated you/your organization to enter the RoSPA Awards?

RoSPA is an international organization for the prevention of accidents, it is an honor for CGN EE

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US Life Span Falling Behind Our Peer Countries

US Life Span Falling Behind Our Peer Countries

March 6, 2023 · 7:29 AM

From NPR:

The average life expectancy for Americans is shortened by over seven months [in 2021]according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That decrease follows an already big decline of 1.8 years in 2020. As a result, the expected life span of someone born in the US is now 76.4 years — the shortest it has been in nearly two decades.

But we still have the best healthcare system in the world, right? Not if you judge it by life expectancy. From Health System Tracker:

Life expectancy in the

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mental health and wellbeing in the workplace – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

mental health and wellbeing in the workplace – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

More than ever before, mental health is a topic for open discussion in the media, within our social circles and of course at work. Mental health and wellbeing is all about how we think, feel and behave, and is usually caused by a reaction to a difficult life event, which can be caused or made worse by work-related issues. In particular, working in isolation away from managers and colleagues can add stress to a workforce that is already facing a significant amount of pressure.

The scale of the problem

Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of

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Does Poor Posture Cause Back Pain?

Does Poor Posture Cause Back Pain?

October 24, 2022 · 7:00 AM

Photo by Budgeron Bach on

No, according to these three credentialed experts at The Conversations. A snippet:

There is a common belief that “good” posture is important to protect the spine from damage, as well as preventing and treating back pain. Good posture is commonly defined as sitting “upright”, standing “tall and aligned”, and lifting with a squat technique and “straight back”.

alternatively, “slump” sitting, “slouch” standing and lifting with a “round back” or stooped posture are frequently warned against. This view is widely held by people with and without back pain,

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