health news not covid

Dyer & Butler Ltd – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Dyer & Butler Ltd – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

From their Safety, Sustainability and Training Director, Steven Broom, being awarded PrintHealth and Safety Influencer of the Year 2019, to win a number of President and Gold Medal Awards across a variety of divisions, Dyer & Butler Ltd enjoyed an outstanding 2019.

As one of the first winners of the Influencer of the Year Award, we recently caught up with Steven to find out Dyer & Butler Ltd’s impressive award history, and how winning a RoSPA Award has benefited both himself and his organization…

What benefits does winning a RoSPA Award have for your organization?

RoSPA is a well-respected brand

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Here to help!  – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Here to help! – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Following on from our previous blog, We’re with you every step of the way!, the appetite to help and engage with RoSPA Awards Entrants extends to the whole RoSPA Health & Safety Awards team.

We caught up with two more members of the RoSPA team, Julia Small and Letty Hill, to find out how they are ready and willing to lend a helping hand…

Julia Small
Executive Head of Qualifications, Awards and Events

For over 15 years, Julia has had oversight of RoSPA’s robust award procedures, including the secure online entry system used by nearly 2,000 entrants, judging and verification

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Euthanasia Soon to Be A Leading Cause of Death in Canada?

Euthanasia Soon to Be A Leading Cause of Death in Canada?

February 7, 2023 · 7:00 AM

From DailyMail:

Last year, more than 10,000 people in Canada – surprisingly that’s over three percent of all deaths there – ended their lives via euthanasia, an increase of a third in the previous year. And it’s likely to keep rising: next year, Canada is set to allow people to die exclusively for mental health reasons.

Only last week, a jaw-dropping story emerged of how, five years into an infuriating battle to obtain a stairlift for her home, Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier was offered an extraordinary alternative.

A Canadian official told

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Online Driving Courses – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Online Driving Courses – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

In the UK, one of the few growth sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic has been transportation services and in particular, food delivery.

By the end of March 2020, revenue in the UK online groceries delivery segment was up by 11.5 % compared to Jan-March in the previous year. Despite the amount of traffic on our roads falling to levels not seen since 1955 during the pandemic, the number of people driving for work to deliver food and other items has increased.

In the same month, Tesco added more than 200 new vans and hired another 2,500 drivers. Other supermarkets such

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Does Poor Posture Cause Back Pain?

Does Poor Posture Cause Back Pain?

October 24, 2022 · 7:00 AM

Photo by Budgeron Bach on

No, according to these three credentialed experts at The Conversations. A snippet:

There is a common belief that “good” posture is important to protect the spine from damage, as well as preventing and treating back pain. Good posture is commonly defined as sitting “upright”, standing “tall and aligned”, and lifting with a squat technique and “straight back”.

alternatively, “slump” sitting, “slouch” standing and lifting with a “round back” or stooped posture are frequently warned against. This view is widely held by people with and without back pain,

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Should You Eat With Your Hands and Eschew Cutlery?

Should You Eat With Your Hands and Eschew Cutlery?

November 22, 2022 · 7:30 AM

“Me Grok”

DailyMail has an interesting article that promotes eating with your hands instead of forks, knives and spoons. After all, caveman Grok didn’t have eating utensils.

Those who are a stickler for etiquette should look away now.

That’s because we’ve all been eating the wrong way and should be eating with our hands, according to a psychologist.

Professor Charles Spence, from the University of Oxford, said giving up cutlery is the secret to enjoying food.

He says eating with our hands can ‘heighten the dining experience’ – even for meals like pasta and

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Does Adding Nudity to Your Routine Help Your Health?

Does Adding Nudity to Your Routine Help Your Health?

July 19, 2022 – “Apparently, some people think the way I work out is strange,” a straight-faced Christopher Meloni admitted during a set of naked dumbbell curls in a new ad for fitness giant Peloton. “Honestly, I don’t get it.”

the Law & Order star ditched his gym apparel – all of it – for the exercise advertisement in celebration of National Nude Day on July 14. While it may have been a shock for fans, for Meloni, working au naturel has been part of his regular at-home routine for a while.

“I work out naked,” he revealed at

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Is It Time to Cut Back on Alcohol?

Is It Time to Cut Back on Alcohol?

December 12, 2022 · 7:00 AM

“Is the room spinning, or is it just me?”

A few months ago I ran across a thoughtful article by Morris van de Camp entitled Love Drinking Less. It’s well worth a read if your alcohol consumption is out of control or heading that way.

Alcohol is a two-edged sword. On the one hand it makes life fun and turns strangers into intimate friends in the course of an evening; on the other, it makes a person dysfunctional. Very dysfunctional. Productive time is lost, relationships are damaged, and health is harmed.

I cannot say

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