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Editorial Board Announced for 2023 – PHE America

Editorial Board Announced for 2023 – PHE America

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PHE America has announced its editorial board members for 2023. The Editorial Board is composed of professionals in higher education interested in serving as reviewers to offer writers constructive feedback in preparing their articles for publication. Editorial Board members serve both PHE America and Sport Coach America.

The six-member board includes Brian Sather, a professor at Eastern Oregon University; Editor-in-Chief, Pete Van Mullema professor at Lewis-Clark State College and director of Sport Coach America; Rory Weishaaran associate professor at Central Washington University; Jessica Savagean instructor at Lewis-Clark State College; Aubrey Shaw, an academic program advisor

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Coding Pathways with Ozobots in PE – PHE America

Coding Pathways with Ozobots in PE – PHE America


I love finding creative ways to incorporate STEAM into Physical Education. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. I was at my daughter’s Open House for her enrichment class in Bayport where she was showing me how her class was using Ozobots to practice coding. I was immediately intrigued by these little coding robots. I immediately noticed how the students’ faces lit up with excitement as they explained to their parents all the functions you could perform with them. Immediately I thought: what if we combine fitness activities with coding? What a great way to relate to the

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Striving to be a Superhero Physical Education Teacher – PHE America

Striving to be a Superhero Physical Education Teacher – PHE America

What would the perfect physical education teacher do? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Who do you picture when you think of the perfect teacher? Maybe like me, you picture someone made up of a combination of all the great teachers you’ve ever met, all wrapped up into one incredible superhero package?

Superhero cape

Years ago, I fleetingly believed I was on top of the teaching game, perhaps even on my way toward superhero status, until I humbly learned the benchmark I was measuring myself against was outdated and missing major components. My students liked me and they loved physical education,

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