healthy foods to eat

A mom said a teacher’s aide refused to unwrap her 5-year-old son’s snack cake because it was ‘unhealthy.’  She’s using the viral moment to denounce diet culture.

A mom said a teacher’s aide refused to unwrap her 5-year-old son’s snack cake because it was ‘unhealthy.’ She’s using the viral moment to denounce diet culture.

Screenshots of Griffiths'  TikTok storytime series she's calling 'lunchboxgate.'

Griffiths has christened the saga “Lunchboxgate” on

  • Ashlee Griffiths said her son came home from school crying because he couldn’t eat the cake she packed for him.

  • The five-year-old said the teacher’s aide refused to open it because it was “unhealthy.”

  • Griffiths complained to the school, and wanted to inspire dialogue about using neutral language around food.

An Australian mom took to TikTok followers for advice after she said a teacher’s aide at her five-year-old son’s school refused to help him open a snack cake she’d packed in his lunchbox because it was “unhealthy.”

Ashlee Griffiths, a comedic

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Many Americans face “hunger crisis” as food insecurity rises

Many Americans face “hunger crisis” as food insecurity rises

Anti-hunger advocates say the US is facing an “unprecedented” rise in food insecurity amid persistently high inflation in the grocery aisle and cuts to the food-stamp program earlier this year.

The rise in food insecurity — lacking enough food to live a healthy, active life — comes as the nation has ended the pandemic emergency and the economy, by many measures, continues to be strong. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low, while wages have been rising for many workers.

But those figures hide a stark reality that’s affecting a growing share of US households, ranging from young families

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Increasing Patient Retention and Revenue with Referral Management

Increasing Patient Retention and Revenue with Referral Management

The ratio between the number of dentists and the population in the USA is 61:100000. More than one in five (21.3%) said that they had not visited the dentist in the last few years. One of the top reasons adults cite for avoiding the dentist is the inability to find a convenient location or appointment time. Specifically, 19% of adults have not visited the dentist in a few years because they cannot find a convenient location or appointment time. As a dentist or dental practice manager, it is crucial not only to manage existing patients but to account for lost

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Can food banks better promote nutrition and health?

Can food banks better promote nutrition and health?

food bank

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

An estimated 53 million people in the US turned to food banks and community programs to help put food on the table in 2021. In recent decades, food banks have adopted policies and practices to make sure people not only have access to food but also healthy and nutritious food.

But until now, food banks have had several ways to evaluate those initiatives.

University of California, Davis, Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Cassandra Nguyen led a team of researchers to develop the Food Bank Health and Nutrition Assessment to address that concern. Their findings were published

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Health and Wellness-Themed Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

Health and Wellness-Themed Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

As the battle against coronavirus continues, health and wellness have become a top priority. And as Mother’s Day is fast approaching, what better gift to give to mothers in your life than something that will help them stay on top of their health.

Health-conscious or not, I’m sure your mom, wife, grandmother, sister or friend will put these health-inspired gift ideas for good use. The list isn’t just about good food and fitness, it also includes gifts that will take care of their mental and emotional health too.

Self-Care and Healthy Living Book

First on my list is the book

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The study indicated that thin influencers did not motivate healthy food choices among tweens

The study indicated that thin influencers did not motivate healthy food choices among tweens

Can tweens’ eating habits be affected by messaging from influencers? A study published in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that a thin influencer does not affect food choices in children between 11 and 13, while an overweight influencer may be able to.

Tweens, teens, and young adults are subject to a lot of promotion from influencers and brands. In this technology-driven age, influencer marketing is a huge industry, with influencers advertising clothes, food, makeup and more. This can have a profound effect on people, especially individuals who are young and impressive. With nutrition being such an important part of developing a

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