obama care

Maria Mind Body Health

Maria Mind Body Health


When I was a little girl, I loved it when we had pancakes for dinner but the pancakes I ate as a child had very little protein in them. Just think about the traditional pancake… it’s nothing but sugar and carbs.

Children need more protein than what most are getting. I know I didn’t get enough protein as a child.

Protein is essential for bone health. Most of our bones are built before age 18 and bones need a lot of protein! Yes, protein is key to building healthy bones. Check out THIS study; women with osteoporosis

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CT legislature to tackle nurses, other health care professionals spread too thin, ‘This is a crisis…rapidly moving toward a disaster’

CT legislature to tackle nurses, other health care professionals spread too thin, ‘This is a crisis…rapidly moving toward a disaster’

Connecticut state lawmakers are reviving a push for legislation this session that limits the number of patients overseen by nurses and other health care professionals and discourages mandatory overtime, both threatening, they say, the quality of patient care in hospitals.

Similar legislation was sought prior to the pandemic, but a national shortage of health care professionals, particularly nurses, has deepened in the aftermath of COVID-19. That has forced some out of health care and pushed others to the point of exhaustion, legislators, union leaders and health care workers, union leaders said Monday.

“Before the pandemic, we were stressed in our

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